competition results 2006
Category Children Choirs
Gold Level and The Winner of Children Choirs Competition
Odawara Children´s Choir, Kanagawa, Japan
Conductor: Taeko Kuwabara
Special Award for the outstanding voice cultivation
Taeko Kuwabara - Award for the Best Conductor Performance
Gold Level
Choir Gloria Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Conductor: Elena Bartnowskaya
The Best Presentation of Compulsory Composition
Silver Level
Nevskaya Aquarell, St. Peterburg, Russia
Conductor: Natalia Timofeeva
Bronze Level
Turba Children School Choir, Tallin, Estonia
Conductor: Iveta Jürisson
Bronze Level
Berliner Kinderchor, Germany
Conductor: Veronika Pietsch
Bronze Level
Gloria Tomsk, Russia
Conductor: Galina Samylova
Category Girls Choirs
Gold Level and The Winner of Girls Choirs Competition
Isidor Bajic Music School Choir, Novi Sad, Serbia - Montenegro
Conductor: Tamara Petievic
The Winner of Girls Choirs Competition EX AEQUO
Tamara Petievic-Award for the Best Conductor Performance
Gold Level and The Winner of Girls Choirs Competition
Colaiste Muire, Ennis, Ireland
Conductor: Carmel Griffin
The Winner of Girls Choirs Competition EX AEQUO
The Best Presentation of Compulsory Composition
Gold Level
TZLIL Choir, Dafna, Israel
Conductor: Oshra Yaakov
Silver Level
Pembina Trails Voices - Cantemus, Winnipeg, Canada
Conductor: Ruth Wiwchar
Silver Level
Pěvecký sbor Evropská, Praha, Czech Republic
Conductor: Jana Egemová, Pavel Novák
Bronze Level
Loreto College Cavan School Choir, Cavan, Ireland
Conductor: Winnie Hughes
Category Boys Choirs
Gold Level
Pembina Trails Voices - Men, Winnipeg, Canada
Conductor: Michael Proudfoot
Silver Level and Bronze Level not used
Category Mixed Choirs
Gold Level and The Winner of Mixed Choirs Competition
Smíšený pěvecký sbor Gymnázia J. Nerudy, Praha, Czech Republic
Conductor: Petr Bärtl
Silver Level
Pembina Trails Voices Singers, Winnipeg, Canada
Conductors: Ruth Wiwchar, Michael Proudfoot
Ruth Wiwchar - Award for the Best Conductor Performance
Silver Level
Besharmonie, Praha, Czech Republic Conductor: Libor Sládek
Silver Level
Collegium Iuvenum, Český Těšín, Czech Republic
Conductor: Leszek Kalina
Bronze Level
Hjorring Gymnasium´s Kor, Denmark
Conductors: Rikke Sommer Eriksen, Susan Ohrt
Category Brass Orchestras
Gold Level and the Winner of Brass Orchestras Competition
Dechový orchestr ZUŠ Uničov, Czech Republic Conductor: Jaroslav Voloch
Jaroslav Voloch - The Best Conductor Performance
Gold Level
Dechový orchestr ZUŠ Přeštice, Czech Republic
Conductor: Miroslav Kubal
Silver Level and Bronze Level not used
Category Jazz Orchestras
Gold Level and the Winner of Jazz Orchestras Competition
Lab Big Band KJJ, Praha, Czech Republic
Conductor: Bohuslav Volf
Special Award for Creative Dramaturgy
The Best Presentation of Compulsory Composition
The Absolute Winner of Orchestras Competition
Silver Level
Hjorring Gymnasium´s Bigband, Denmark
Conductor: Dorte Alstrup
Bronze Level not used

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